Losing weight and its benefits in the spirit.

The existence of a lot of distractions in fulfilling your destiny will count for nothing as soon as you ‘Arise.’ Many are on the ground, yet the ground is too congested, and some challenges can be avoided.  If men dont arise, too much is at stake; destinies are in jeopardy! 

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you, and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Isaiah 60 vs 1 -3

Arise, shine… It is a simultaneous aspect. Once you arise, you automatically shine. Arising is a dimension of triumph that gives you an advantage over every aspect of life. You shine! The prerequisite for shining is to Rise! In order to make a significant impact in the world, one must rise. To fulfill your destiny, rising is essential. Elevation is necessary; you need the height! 

What prevents people from arising?

1. Obesity

Some people are too heavy in the Spirit! They carry luggage of grudges, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, etc. Even on a flight, there are guidelines regarding the luggage you can bring. If everyone were to bring whatever they desired, the total weight would surpass safe limits for the flight.

2. Diet

If I were to ask you what you ate for your last meal, you would probably recall. On the contrary, if I ask you what you last fed on Spiritually, you might not readily remember. Be intentional about what you feed on Spiritually! Where is it that you are looking for spiritual nourishment? Spend time in the Word concerning that.

3. No momentum

To arise, one needs momentum. Momentum is attained through prayer by drawing from the realm of God. Arising is not a gift. It is attained deliberately. It is a mileage that you intentionally cover. 

How do you lose weight?

We serve a God of order, so it’s not just about arising; it’s also about the time to arise. You need to discern the times and seasons. A prepared man knows His season and launches into it. So, how does one lose weight in preparation to arise? 

1. Humility

God is looking for people to exalt. Stop acting like you’ve already made it. The Lord resists the proud. He elbows them no matter how hard they try to rise. He gives Grace to the humble.

2. Prayer

The altar of prayer is the place of ascension. There is a technology of strength renewal in prayer. But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Isaiah 40:31 

3. Diligence 

A diligent man will stand before Kings. Proverbs 10 vs 4.  Have a focused, committed, and responsible lifestyle. To deal with spiritual things, one needs to master how to deal with natural things.Instagram

4. Discern the times

Discernment is the key for someone who wants to arise. Many people miss their seasons because they’re not able to discern.  Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing at the right time? David knew the time to be fighting bears, so He was not intimidated when he met Goliath. What are you doing now? Will you carry it into the season of manifestation? Is clubbing and partying something you’ll be proud to carry into the season of manifestation? 

Closing thoughts…

But the path of the righteous is as the dawning light, That shineth more and more unto the perfect day.  Prov 4 vs 18

Many destinies are pivoted to your light, so arise, shine! It doesn’t matter what they have done to you. Remember, some people are like stained glass windows, which sparkle in the presence of light, but their true beauty will be revealed once darkness sets in. Darkness cannot drive away light. In fact, light is appreciated more when there is darkness. Ignite that light and shine brighter and brighter until the perfect day.

When you arise, you gain the capacity to influence men so that when you have authority, you can then affect them. Give value to your ability. Don’t waste it!

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