How to achieve the right mindset?

Each day is an opportunity to redefine your life. What can you do differently today? Why are you at the level you are in life? What decisions have you made in life, and were they wise or foolish? How soon your life can change is dependent on your mindset. The quality of your mindset has influenced your life!

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, But his heart is not with you.” ~ Proverbs 23:7 NKJV

You are where you are in life because of your mindset.

What is a mindset?

I love to call it the justice system  or magistrate of life. This is a guide of what approves or disapproves certain things in your life. It is a set of rules either constructive or destructive that YOU have allowed to govern your thinking. Notice that I said ‘YOU’. It is only you who has the power to decide what kind of mindset you want to have. As much as society, upbringing, and other factors influence your mindset, the choice is still up to you to make. Who you want to be is reliant on your mindset!

Importance of the right mindset

Your mindset is the doorway to your Spirit. It has the ability to transform your life, elevate you, and put you in your place of calling. Your mindset expresses the quality of your personality. Many have underestimated their mindset’s power and allowed death to it.

How to have a changed or right mindset

Having the right mindset is fundamental to dealing with every problem in life. A change of mindset is a necessity. It would be best if you had an excellent mindset. How can one achieve that? Let’s get into it:

1. Meditating on the Word of God

When you meditate on the Word of God, you become what it talks about. In the same way, the rich and poor have different mindsets. There is also a mindset for the righteous! By praying in other tongues through meditation, you can achieve that mindset. Jude 1:20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.

This is why Scripture urges us in Proverbs 4:23 to guard our hearts with all diligence. From out of them flow the issues of life. The scripture implies that whatever we allow to enter our hearts, if not examined and evaluated properly, will undoubtedly be expressed in our lives and our actions—in positive or negative ways.

Growing up in my house, we were never allowed to talk back when our parents reprimanded us on anything. Honestly, I wished I could talk back or even scream back. What made me not act on that thought? It is because I quickly discarded that thought due to the consequences it might have come with.

That’s the difference between you and a drug addict. Also, that is the difference between you and someone who gave up. That’s the difference between someone who healed and the person who never.

2. Optimize your thoughts

Thoughts are pictures of the mind, and they can be either negative or positive. They are deliberate and can affect your emotions. Since thoughts can be negative or positive, it is paramount to disallow any wrong thoughts. The thoughts you have allowed have constituted your mindset and, therefore, the life you have today. It is not because you didn’t get the thought but because you discarded it. Be strict on what thoughts you allow to stay in your mind. What thoughts did you give a seat in your mind? Refuse wrong thoughts to take a seat in your mindset.

3. What do you see?

Lastly, The quickest way to affect your thoughts is through your vision.
Joshua 6:1-2 See, I have given you Jericho. biblegateway
and Genesis 13:15 Abraham, as far as your eyes can see.
The Lord can do what you can see for you.

What is the correct mindset to have?

Yes, there is a mindset that the Lord desires us to have. Philippians 2:5 says, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ.” It is possible to think like Jesus Christ thought by becoming Word-conscious.

Closing thoughts

Maybe people have said negative things about you. Is it what you see? The extent of your vision is the boundary of your blessing!  Dream big! See yourself big! Don’t allow your mind to see what God didn’t say about you. Choose the thoughts you want to have. It is not an impartation that will cause change but your mindset. This is one of the most excellent tools God has equipped you with. Finally, Invest in your mindset because your life is as good as yours!

Also, if you want to connect with us, please visit 90 Minutes To Live. I love you until next time.

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