The years teach much that the days never know

As He is so are you here on earth….

You have all things pertaining to this life. You light up this whole world
You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you.
No weapon fashioned against you can prosper.

You are a success.

Ye are gods and ye are children of the Most High.

Am I really really like God? Am I really victorious in all things? Nah there’s no chance. Can I even light up the whole World? Come on, all I have ever known is the little town I was born in, let alone the whole World.

Hahaha, Can I really heal the sick when I am always in and out of the hospital? Are all things really mine when I can hardly pay my rentals? Am I really righteous when I haven’t been living right?

Nooo this was just some poetic and sensational writing not meant to be interpreted literally you must have thought. Or you read that and undoubtedly thought to yourself yes everything here is true concerning Paul in the Bible, Timothy or even your Pastor. You are wondering whether these are Scriptures meant for special people or this will be true when we get to Heaven.

Stay with me and find out.

Everything sounds far fetched because you probably can’t reconcile the position of Scripture with your current stance. When will these things ever be?

Whats the secret of becoming?

Here is the secret, there is a difference between accepting and being what the Bible says.
There are a lot of things we have accepted but we have not become it! Why?

It is because we do not train ourselves to Godliness. 1st Timothy 4:7b – 8 rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come

You are what you are in the natural because of the many trainings you have had to go through.

Some are great public speakers, great authors and some boast of an exceptional body shape. The secret lies in the training.

Recently I had someone teach me sewing and she said something that got me thinking: to truly master this craft, I should have at least invested 10 000 hours in it. Interesting right?

The same principle sets apart those who succeed from those who don’t: no matter your talents or gifts, you still need to invest time to improve in that area.

You become a master in whatever you spend most of your time doing.

The same principle applies even in the Spirit. How much have you invested in Godliness?

But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40 vs 31

The key lies in tarrying in His presence till you are metamorphosed. Teach yourself to be acquainted with the presence of the Lord.

2nd Samuel 15: 28 is remarkable! See, I will wait in the plains of the wilderness until word comes from you to inform me.”

This is King David, one of Israel ‘s greatest Kings but he waited in the presence of the Lord to get proceedings.

The Lord is liberal enough to share everything He has with His children but to receive it you have to wait! I know this is something you probably don’t want to hear but sometimes you have to stay in a certain season for a long time.

Benefits of waiting.

Yes there are advantages in waiting:

  1. You become metamorphosed into His very own image …… as we continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor 2Cor3 vs 18. The presence of God has an undeniable effect.
  2. Your Spirit has supremacy
    For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. Galatians 5 vs 17

I know we are about to exit 2024 and it almost seems as if everything you aspired for in this year will not materialize but listen don’t lose hope. Against hope, Abraham believed in hope and he became the Father of Nations Rom 18 vs 4.
It might feel like everyone is ahead of you but don’t get distracted. You may even start thinking whether the Lord is hearing your prayers not.

Some people never get the full benefits of a blessing or they never become who God has called them because they’re always in a hurry! Wait!

Think of a password. Its not enough to have half of it, it won’t work! It’s not enough to come close. To gain access, the password must be entered with complete accuracy.

Stay in His presence till you get the full password.

Tarry long! Keep praying, keep reading Scripture. Keep going to church. Keep giving. Keep on keeping on. You will undoubtedly be the manifestation of God here on earth become as He is so are you here on earth. So yes you have all things, yes you are His righteousness, yes by His stripes ye were healed. Yes you are victorious in all things!

Can the life you are living today confirm the Word of God concerning you?

Remember the years teach much that the days never know.

One thought on “The years teach much that the days never know

  1. This is encouraging – godliness is something that one can train; a skill to be refined by brother sharpening brother and in your own time with the Lord. It is compared to sport (1 Timothy 4:7-8) – so godliness is like a spiritual sport you must practise. In the same way you have to push yourself to go outdoors when it’s a rainy season to go jogging, you have to push yourself to go sit before the Lord through any spiritual season.
    The more you sit next to Him, however, the more you grow to love sitting next to Him.

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