What is success in life?

Having grown up in the Southern parts of Africa, success in life is deemed as mainly the ability to buy a house and a car. Folks begin to give you a certain level of respect when you have these possessions. I’m sure different communities globally have their own trademark concerning the definition of real success. To most, it is attaining a university degree, getting married etc.

here’s a little story…

I’m generally a person who pushes myself to the limit so I can be the best in what I do.
In this boat I know I’m not alone, you might be the same with me after all. During my years at school I
exhibited a competitive spirit. This was mainly because of my upbringing. My parents did well enough
such that they were financially stable. As for my dad regardless of how much he continued to amass,
it never seemed to be enough. It seemed he always yearned for the next thing. “What’s next?” He would
mutter to himself. This puzzled me but I wasn’t gonna ask him the same question knowing that it was
going to wind up in some sort of a mini lecture. Was I alive to go school, get a good job and get some
good coins. You know that cliché story. I chose to rebel but however in a good way.

You might not have had the questions I had. From a young age you probably realized there was a certain aspect of life you always had questions about. No matter how much they answered you, you still had more questions. It is because you were born with a purpose. You were born hitting the ground running for your God given purpose. There’s something waiting to be done by only you. So you were dispatched by God fully equipped for that.

Just get into it….

I’m sure some of you are asking now, “Lynnete, what does this have to do with success?”
Woah wait, I’m almost there.

Can success bring happiness?

More than happiness, I would say success brings a sense of fulfilment in your life. It wasn’t convincing enough to me that life just ends at only attaining possessions and status. I mean, so what after that?. ‘There’s got to be more!’, I thought to myself. On my quest concerning that I understood that success for every individual is what leads to a fulfilling life. Everyone wants to excel in what they’re doing but let me ask you this. ‘Are you successful in what you’re CALLED to do?’

What are different types of success in life?

  1. Financial success
  2. Career success
  3. Physical success
  4. Family success

These are just a tip of an ice berg to the real definition of success. Get me right, the above are part of success. The issue is that most people stop at attaining these and I’m here to implore to you that there’s more! Why am I saying that?

If this is all there is to life why is there a rise in mental health illnesses (depression, stress anxiety), suicidal cases, drug and substance abuse amongst people who have achieved almost all the above I’ve mentioned above.

Keep following ,I’ll show you a better way…

I remember during my third year of study in medical school. I thought to myself why I felt unfulfilled even after three years of study in the field I had always wanted. Get me right, I was doing exceptionally well in school yet I felt that way.

So then what kept me going?

This is when I had to ask myself the greatest question in life.

What is a successful life?


“You’ll find success in life when you stop trying to include God in your plans and Instead ask God to include you in His” RICK WARREN (Author of THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE).

Success in every other aspect of your life becomes automatic when you understand your God given purpose. This is because you are executing everything with a clear end goal that is an eternal one. What makes it more beautiful is that you know you’ve got a dependable God backing you up as you walk according to His purpose for your life.

What success is NOT!

So when I sought to understand the real definition of success, it’s striking how I also understood what success is NOT. Interesting right?

Many today are doing everything else except that which God sent them to do. It doesn’t matter how good people tell you you’re in what you are doing. As long as it’s not intertwined with God’s purpose for your life, brother you’re a malfunctioning. That’s why many are frustrated and depressed today, they’re not able to decode the reason of seeing yet another day because they do not know their life purpose.

Any product is deemed a failure by the manufacturer if it does not function according to its purpose.

As creatures by the creator (God) you and I were dispatched here on earth for a purpose. All the other things come secondary to this.

Don’t live an empty life, it is too short to mess it up!

Keys to success?

The keys to success are as follows

  1. Being able to identify your God given purpose.
  2. Knowing how to function in it .
  3. Functioning as per how God expects and wants you to function.

John 15 vs 19 ‘That we are not of this World’.

If we are not of this World then why did God bring us to this World?

It is because there’s a purpose bother/sister!

Since we’re not of this World, lets focus on that which matters. Oh! What a tragedy in life to make it here on earth and be a failure in the Glorious eternity!

The time is now, make everyday count!

Life’s big questions?

1.Beyond everything, do you know you have a God given purpose?

2. Also, are you walking in it?

We will talk about how to discover your God given purpose in the next article.

God bless you.

I love you.

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