What is your purpose in life?

Almost everyone in life gets to ask themselves the existential question, ‘Why am I here?’.

Philosophers have debated and tried to answer that question but with no avail.

Our lives are programmed by God. To understand your purpose, it is important to know what the manufacturer intended for you. I mean the best person to tell us how a Mac book or an iPhone should function would have been Mr Steve Jobs.

It is the desire of most people to discover their purpose whether they know it or not.

A clarity of purpose is key to being successful in life. You’re not in control of your life until you discover your purpose!

So let’s first have a look as to what purpose is.

What is purpose?

It is God’s requirement of you, the reason for your being! In other words, it is functioning according to how God expects you to function. As a result you begin to find meaning in everything you do.

You have

  1. A generic purpose
    Our generic purpose is to GIVE GLORY TO GOD. Read Isaiah 43 vs 7
    Douay-Rheims Bible
    And every one that calls upon my name, I have created him for my glory, I have formed him, and made him.

therefore, it doesn’t matter where you find yourself or who you find yourself with, your ultimate goal should be to give GLORY to God!

  1. A personal purpose
    Now this one is exclusive to you just like a fingerprint. It is that reason the Lord dispatched you on earth for. However your specific purpose will still fulfill the generic purpose . A personal purpose gives you a reason to wake up each day.

What is a life with a purpose?

A life with a purpose has a sense of destination.

Adulthood is a phase that deals with making lifelong decisions. Therefore to make the right ones, you need to understand your purpose. Having a sense of purpose is like having an inner compass that guides you.

Many are on a road that has no destination. They don’t know why they started.

A life with a purpose is a journey with a destination. Remember why you started!

When you have achieved what you wanted to achieve are you disciplined enough to stop and tackle the next phase?

Purpose is a life of whys?
Why did you start the job you started?
What is the reason you got married?
Why do keep company with those people?
Also, why did you choose to live where you live?

It is important to refocus and align yourself with your purpose at every point in life.

A life with a purpose deals with self evaluation in every aspect . Never let yourself be a chance, program yourself for a definite purpose. Charter the course of your own life.

Life without a purpose

It is like looking for something in the dark .You keep stumbling upon everything and collecting what you don’t need.

‘Have I not said ye are gods and ye are children of the Most High? Psalms 86 v 6. We are created by God meaning in us we have His DNA. So you realize that because we are gods, we seek to find relevance in this World. There is a desire in everyone for greatness. The issue is that most people are trying to find relevance in the wrong things. Some go to the extent of dressing half naked, using harmful substances on themselves just to seek relevance .

So your relevance and influence are found in your God given purpose.

The compelling urge to be relevant in society according to its standard has derailed many from their purpose.

How do I find my purpose?

Now this the part many have been indoctrinated by lies just like I was. When I found out the answer to this question, I was at a point of giving up. But thanks be to God who causes us to triumph.

We all have a set of talents, gifts, experiences and successes in life. These are just but equipment to your God given purpose. Lets take for example a good athlete. Can one say since they are gifted in athletics that is their purpose in life? Absolutely not!

Your talents and gifts maybe intertwined with your God given purpose but they’re not your entire reason of being.

I’m about to shock you right here. To find out why you were born you have to pray and ask God about it! Spend time in the Word of God.

This is the simple but profound secret that blew my mind one particular afternoon. I was tired of hearing cycles that tell you that your purpose is found in what you love to do and what you are good at.

After all, it makes sense that the creator is the perfect person to tell you why He created you. After all, Scripture says, ‘Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and you shall find’. Let us not only ask God for money because He wants us to receive that which is more than money-eternal life in Him.

Life purpose questionnaire

Ask God the following questions

  1. Why did He dispatch you in this specific generation you are in?
  2. What reason you are born in the nation you’re born in?
  3. Why were you born in the family and race you were born in?
  4. Also ,why you have the body , height and skin tone you have.

Our God is not a spontaneous God. So He has a reason for every specific detail about you. Isn’t that love so great? He even knows the number of your hairs on your head.

Therefore, it is important to take note of those details that we never had the freedom of choice on. Details like family, height, etc. It is God who chose them for us for a specific reason.

Sometimes, you might find it hard to do this on your own but you’re not alone. If you have more questions and need help, you can get in touch with us at https://90minutestolive.org/contact-me/

God bless you. We love you.

3 thoughts on “What is your purpose in life?

  1. This is timely, immaculate and just simply beautiful. A ‘now word’ for this season. Thank you so much for sharing and encouraging us to live purpose-driven lives. God bless you.

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